Kids and animals are great, but sometimes their hands and paws can let curiosity get the best of them. The easiest measure to protect your gear is to simply use the included grilles to prevent them from touching the delicate drivers on the speakers.
If you are scared the speakers might tip over, the 1723 tower is our heaviest and most stable speaker and will be the hardest for a kid to tip over. Monitors placed on stands can be a hazard as there isn't a way to attach them to a stand. If you want to protect the entire speaker, having a barricade or gate around the speakers will ensure the side of the speaker won't be used as a canvas by crayons or markers.
If your cat likes to rest on top of the speaker, placing a pad or piece of cloth to prevent scratches can also be a good idea. Having a scratch post near the speaker can also be a great diversion to prevent your feline friend from using the speaker as one.
Out of reach
The best way to avoid damage or injuries is to simply have the speakers out of reach for kids and pets, and have more suitable diversions nearby.
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