We completely understand your eagerness to receive your package—we feel the same way!
During this busy season, even industry giants like FedEx face challenges keeping up with the overwhelming volume of orders.
While checking your tracking information may seem helpful, it’s important to note that the data is often not updated in real-time. In fact, many customers have received their orders before the tracking status was fully updated.
Occasionally, we’ve noticed discrepancies in the shipping details provided by FedEx compared to what we’ve actually shipped. For example, a pair of speakers weighing 75 lbs each might appear as a single item weighing 35 lbs. Rest assured, both items are on their way and will be delivered.
In some cases, parcels may get separated during transit, and the second package might be delivered a day later. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend contacting your local FedEx office directly, as they can provide better insight into the status of your shipment.
If you’re unable to get the answers you need from FedEx, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at sales@arendalsound.com. We’ll be happy to contact FedEx on your behalf to investigate further.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
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